Luis Prados Ramos



It is a very repeated phrase to say that the expenses of a deed of sale are usually 10% of the value of the home, broken down into VAT or property transfer tax, deed expenses and registration expenses in the Property Registry. However, things are not like that.


Very briefly, first-hand home sales accrue VAT at 10% of the sale price. If the sale were of a second-hand home, the property transfer tax would accrue, which in the case of the Community of Madrid is adjusted to the following rates (6%, 4% and 2%), calculated on the price of the home:

In general, the rate of 6 per 100 will be applied.

In the case of the acquisition of habitual residence by large families, this type is reduced to 4%, fulfilling all the requirements established by law.

And in the case of acquisition of homes by real estate companies, for their resale the tax rate is reduced from 2%

As the property transfer tax is assigned to the Autonomous Communities, the regulations applicable to each of them must be taken into account, since as we have said the previous regulations are those of Madrid.


The deed expenses are set in Royal Decree 1426/1989, of November 17, which approves the Notaries' Tariff, and which in the case of home sales are reduced by 25%. The tariff is calculated on the value declared in the deed, and is regressive, that is, it is not a bit per thousand, but depending on the greater amount, lower percentages are applied.

Let's give examples:

For a sale of 90,000 euros the fee would be €194.73

For a sale of 120,000 euros the fee would be €216.11

For a sale of 150,000 euros, the fee would be €237.48

To these amounts must be added the VAT and the amounts corresponding to the copies that are requested, the paper and the expenses that cause the preparation of the document itself, such as the information to the Property Registry, or to the entities in charge of managing the document. IBI…

I want to emphasize with this, because it is a very widespread idea that writing expenses are not expensive, a sale can be expensive, but notary expenses are only a very small part of the final cost of the operation, as we will see in the final summary.


As with notary fees, registration fees are set by law, specifically in Royal Decree 1427/1989, of November 17, which approves the Property Registrars Tariff. The tariff is calculated on the value declared in the deed, and is regressive, that is, it is not a bit per thousand, but depending on the higher amount, lower percentages are applied, and also VAT must be added to these amounts and other concepts, which are regulated in the aforementioned RD.


Finally, it should be noted that other expenses may accrue, commonly called management, and that include the liquidation of the tax and the presentation of the deeds in the Property Registry. It is not a mandatory expense, but it is convenient to let professionals or the notary itself do it, if you are not in the habit of doing it, because in the long run what is cheap is expensive. The amount is free, it depends on what is agreed with the person who carries out the management.


Notary.- 450 euros. approx.

Registration.- 250 euros approx.

Tax (ITP 6%).- 7,200 euros.

Agency.- It depends, example 200 euros.

Total expenses.- 8,100 euros, which represents 6,75% of the purchase price. Notary fees.- 450 euros, which represents 0.38% of the purchase price


    1. Look, I don't know if the budget is correct, taking into account that I don't know all the data. In principle, a sale of a house of 30,000 euros, in Catalonia, has a fiscal cost of 3,000 euros. The notary and registry expenses could be over 700 euros aporxi. So the total cost hardly exceeds 4000 euros. All this counting that there is no mortgage. If there is, perhaps the amount they ask for could be approximate.

      The best thing is that with complete confidence and at no cost, stop by our office and depending on what you intend to do, you will have all the precise information.
      Receive a cordial greeting

    2. Good morning, my answer is the following, I want to buy a house in Torre vieja Alicante, for an approximate value of 110,000 euros, since I would count all the expenses that these things entail, I apologize for wasting your time, and at the same be very grateful to you, Fco.

  1. I have just notarized a flat of 62,000 euros of official protection, the notary expenses have been 690 euros to the registry, I went myself…. The cost of registration was 320 euros total between notary and registry 1010 euros. Is the amount that the notary charged me normal, taking into account that the tax and registration management is carried out by me? and the registration amount?

  2. Good morning, I am going to buy a house in Andalusia for 120,000 (mortgage 100,000)
    They have passed me some notary expenses for CV of €800 and PH of 925, and registration of 700 and 750 respectively, in addition to taxes and management (11490 and 735)
    For a house of €120,000, a total of expenses of €15,400
    Are these common expenses or are they above average?
    thank you

  3. Hello. They just granted me a mortgage loan for a 68,000-euro apartment in Madrid for a second-hand apartment. I've been asking for a forecast of funds for a week and they haven't told me and I'm going to sign on December 21. 9000 euros will be enough. it's a bank floor

  4. Roman Pompiliu Nicolae

    Hello! I want to buy a second-hand apartment in Malaga by the owner. The apartment costs about 30,000 euros. Can you tell me what money I can expect to pay, including all taxes? And the second question, I am not a Spanish citizen, do I have the right to buy a house in Spain?
    Thank you

  5. The house is valued at 55,000. euro. How much does the purchase and sale cost? Then apart. The writing could tell me thank you very much

    1. Hello, my name is Antonio and my question is the following, my father has a plot of land that does not have a deed, he leaves it to me in his will, but I would like to get the deeds before my father dies, how much would the plot cost me? It has 100mt2

  6. Hello, I would like to know how much the deed and the paperwork that it entails will cost me if my father gives me an apartment of 70 square meters that he has and owes a mortgage of €26,000 that I have to subrogate to my bank account

    1. With these data, and given the indeterminacy of the paperwork concept, I cannot answer you. You need to know the value of the property, both current and cadastral, age, place of the property, time held by the transferor...

  7. Rocio Escribano Cowboy

    Hi, I'm Rocio and I would like to know. I want to buy a second-hand house in the province of Toledo, the house belongs to my husband's grandmother, but it is in the name of the four children, two of whom have already passed away, one of whom is my father-in-law. My question is the following, when my husband and I buy the house, would the town hall tax and the sale tax, as heir to his father's share, also have to pay? And another question if the house is worth €20,000, how much would all the expenses amount to?

    1. I will not give you a very specific answer, with these data, but you have to tell that the inheritance and the sale are two different acts. The acts that must be carried out until it is in your name and that of your husband, I cannot tell you without seeing documentation

  8. Is it normal for the notary to have charged me 413 euros for a deed of sale with a deed value of the property of 20,000 euros? Is this possible? Is there a maximum that can be charged?

    1. The deeds really carry a lot of information, which makes them long, which increases the amount somewhat, and there are also anticipated expenses and VAT. If you have doubts, ask them to explain it to you, but it would be audacity to comment on my part without knowing what has been done.

  9. Good afternoon,

    I have a question with the property transfer tax for the purchase and sale of a second-hand apartment as a first home. According to the law, only in the case of second-hand properties. 6% of the deed value is paid. Is this tax understood on the appraisal value, the value of the mortgage credit that they give you or the purchase-sale value?

    1. In principle, on the value of the sale, which must coincide with the real value. In any case, the CCAAs have tables of minimum values, in the sense that if they apply those values, there will be no verification by the administration.

  10. I am going to buy a house for 60,000 euros but I am going to ask for a mortgage of 30,000 euros. What are the expenses for the purchase and for the mortgage?

    1. It is explained in the post. If you want more specific information we would need some more data. The amount of the purchase taxes is 10% of the declared value and those of the mortgage depend on factors that are not known. If you need more information, please contact us.

  11. Hello, good afternoon, the truth is that I am here requesting help, since I have bought a second-hand home in the community of Castilla y Leon for 38,000 euros, and I am under 36 years of age, but the notary fees seemed to me exaggerated, they have amounted to 495 euros, that is correct, okay? I did not ask for extra pages or copies or anything.

    1. If you have doubts about the invoice, you can go to the Notarial College of Castilla León, but at first glance it is not an exaggerated invoice, as it says. The deeds are more and more complete, more laborious and the way they are carried out avoids many subsequent procedures, in which perhaps you have not fallen.

  12. Good morning, I am Spanish residing abroad and I plan to return to Spain, I am going to buy a house in Madrid (Valdemoro) for 90,000 euros, I would like to know how much I would have to pay in total for this operation, I am not going to ask for a loan in the bank or constitute a mortgage. Thanks a lot.

  13. Hello, I am going to buy a house for €30,000 and its cadastral value is €17,000. The house is free of charges. What do I have to pay with everything included and what does the part that sells it have to pay? I am from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia Cádiz. Thank you

  14. Hello, I am going to buy a house for the value of €64,000 and the total value to pay is €94,500. Is it normal for the bank that sells it to me to charge me €30,000 in taxes? urgent response greetings

    1. It does not seem very normal to me, but the bank does not charge you any taxes. What you should do is choose a Notary, not go to the one the Bank tells you to, and ask him your questions. Banks think for themselves, and sometimes make very large provisions of funds, in anticipation of value checks or interpreting the tax rule excessively.

  15. Hello!! I am going to buy a house with a value of 40600 euros. And I'm going to mortgage 35,000 euros. I would like to know the costs involved. In the province of Ciudad Real. Thank you,

    1. Ask better where you intend to do it. There are many factors that could influence the cost, and if I tell you a figure I can mislead you. Matrix rights would be about 216 euros, to this we would have to add the number of copies, the length of the document that can vary the price and VAT.

  16. Hello, I want to sell my house for €100,000 but I don't have deeds. What expenses does selling my house entail and how much would it cost me to get the deeds?

    1. I don't know what you mean by not having deeds. Haven't you had them? Did you buy in a private document? Hasn't a previous inheritance been made? Depending on what has to be done, we could talk about cost.

  17. Hello. I am going to buy a second-hand house on the Antilles island for €80,000. I would like to know how much the expenses of the operation will cost me. What % is applied to the transfer tax to be paid on the Antilles island? Thank you

    1. The tax rate in Andalusia is 8%, with writing and registration expenses I calculate, a total of approximately 8000 euros. However, if you finance with a mortgage, things change. The most reasonable thing to do is to go to a Notary of your choice, never to whom the Notary tells you the bank, and ask all your questions.

  18. Hello, I want to buy an apartment in Barcelona and the notary tells me that they will charge 1% of the purchase price and 1% of the mortgage. Is this correct? It seems very expensive...

    The apartment costs 550,000 and the mortgage is 300,000.

    Can you calculate all the expenses such as notary, AJD, registration and agency?

    Thank you so much

    1. I could make a budget if it were for one of my actions and I can't even talk about the amount of agency actions. The sales taxes, either VAT or ITP, will be 10%, and those of the mortgage will be 1.5%, which are calculated on the mortgage liability, not on the amount of the loan. There has probably been a misunderstanding about the 1%. Ask and they clarify.

      1. Thanks, Luis, my question is about the notary costs. I can see on the internet what they are going to charge me for writing. But then I will have to pay the notary a fee for doing the work, or does the price of the deed already include everything?

        Thank you

        1. The fees for the deeds are the same for all notaries, there may be a small difference, due to the way the document is prepared. The notarial invoice is unique, includes advice and writing of the deed. You choose the notary, and ask him all your concerns. NEVER go to the Notary that the bank can tell you, it is you who has the right to choose a Notary, use it, it is your guarantee of a job well done.

  19. Enriqueta Serrano Tana

    I am going to buy an apartment for the value of €35,000.00 in Barcelona and I would like to know what expenses I will have between VAT, Notary etc. etc, when doing the writing.
    I am a Spaniard residing abroad.
    Thank you so much.

    1. If it is second-hand, the ITP will have to be paid, which is 10% of the value of the sale. The notary expenses, it is difficult to determine exactly until the document is defined in all its aspects, as its length could influence. That being said, between 400 or 500 euros, including copies and so on, is what it could cost. Anyway this is not a quote. To know the exact cost, ask where you are going to do the deed. On record, the costs would be somewhat lower, but the way to know is to ask directly.

  20. Hello, thanks in advance, I live in C.Valenciana, I am going to buy a second-hand home worth €48,000, it is above the cadastral value, I am going to contribute €14,000 and the rest will ask for a mortgage, I would like to know what expenses I will have in total would suppose to write the deed and the mortgage, thanks

    1. It is best to ask at the Notary that you decide, not the one that the Bank tells you or suggests, and ask them all your questions. The mortgage, in addition to the cost, has many things to be interested in before signing.

  21. Hello good. My question is what notary fees can I have when buying a second-hand home. The operation is going to be for 20,000 euros and I think it is below its real value (45,000). It is in Valencia. Thank you

    1. The largest costs involved in a sale are the taxes paid to the autonomous community. I imagine the writing cost would be around 300 euros, but without knowing how it should be done in that writing, I can't give much more opinion either. It is as if you go to the workshop and ask how much it costs to fix the car, the normal thing is that they answer that it will depend on what you have.

      Ask a notary in your locality and you will see that they take good care of you.

  22. I am going to make a mortgage subrogation of an apartment with a capital increase. There are 90,000 euros left to liquidate the apartment but the bank agrees to give me 120,000 euros that I need to reform it. Its cadastral value is 100,000; Does the sale value have to be equal to the value for which I write so that it does not come as a supplement and thus not have problems with the Treasury?
    Thank you so much.

  23. We are going to sell an apartment for 95,000 euros, and the buyers tell us that the financial company has told them that to give them the total of 95,000 they have to ask for more money, if we accept we would be harmed because if they are supposed to buy it for 95,000, and We say that we ask them, for example, 120,000, we would have to pay the treasury or they write down what we ask for, I'm in a mess because I want everything to be legal, that money would be divided among 4 brothers, I don't know what to do. I would appreciate it if you could inform me a little, thanks. .


  24. antonio gonzalez gomez

    I would like to know how much the approximate notary expenses may be in the event of the purchase of a flat with a concerted price in Asturias for a value of 75,554 without VAT and 83,550 with VAT, thank you very much, it is without a mortgage, I pay in cash

  25. Hello, greetings. In 2008, I bought a VPO home. I asked for a loan from the bank for 80,000. I paid the notary 6,000 euros. Total expenses. Is this amount correct or can I claim it? Thank you.

  26. My husband and I are going to separate property, I am going to buy the part of the house that corresponds to him. The amount is €115,000, the expenses would be the same as if I bought a home from an individual.

  27. Good afternoon, I have a question and bought a farmhouse with deeds. Its value is 17,400. I would know more or less what the deeds and the notary here in Granada can cost, thank you very much

    1. Notaries count the same throughout Spain, and it is a very small part of overall expenses. The fiscal cost depends on the AC of Andalusia, and in principle it would be 8% of the declared value, without prejudice to the possibility of value verification by the administration.

  28. Good afternoon Luis Prados.

    I contact utd. because this week I am going to buy a house of 20,000 euros, the payment would be in cash, but I don't know what ((expenses I have after registration, notary etc)). Since I am from a town in Valencia and the house is second-hand and it would be my first home, I am under 35 years of age, do I have the option of any help?

  29. Eva Trujillo-Garcia

    Hello. Let's see if you can clarify something for me, my mother and father have a will where it says that a house is theirs... And now we want to make a deed putting the house in my sister's and my name. How much will it cost me taking into account that it is Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the value of the house costs around €50,000. Thanks in advance.

  30. Pedro M. Asenjo Martinez

    I am going to buy a free second-hand home for a value of €115,000. He doesn't have a mortgage and I'm not going to apply for it. The sellers are two brothers who received the house by inheritance and each one already has their property deed for their corresponding 50%. Buyers are a joint venture. I'm wanting to know how much the public deed costs me and I find it very difficult. And it is that I was warned by a close person in a similar case, going 50km saved a not inconsiderable amount, no matter how much they proclaim that prices are fixed.
    I have gone to a notary close to home, and the employee tells me that €650. I ask him for the breakdown and he can't give it to me because he says that the valuation is made when the deed is done, however, using mental calculations, he told me €650.
    I go to another notary but to answer this they give me an appointment in a week because they are very, very busy. I'm beginning to think that this Notarial advice is for the gallery.
    On the other hand, on the website of the Notarial Association of Madrid, it can be seen that a house of €120,000 generates a deed cost of around €390. I don't understand!!!!
    Any of the two prices are before registration and payment of the ITP.
    Could you shed some light on this for me?

    1. Unfortunately, the amount of the deed is not known until the moment of signing, or at least until it is known what the document will be like. The price differences may exist, but I don't think they are big, and above all you should assess whether the same thing enters all the deeds. It can be done cheaper, but avoiding information, for example not incorporating IBI certifications or other similar ones. And maybe they have not applied VAT to the budget.

      These costs are before taxes and registration.

      My advice is to go to the professional you trust the most and as you say, free advice is expensive in the gallery, because there is nothing free in this life. The advice linked to the document is free.

  31. I would like to know, what expense would I have when buying a house worth €23,000, between the change of ownership in the deeds, notary, etc., and what expenses would I pay and what would the seller pay?

    1. Well, it depends on where the farm is, because the most important cost, which is that of taxes, depends on each Autonomous Community, and the rates can range between 6% and 11%. You, as a buyer, must also pay for the deed and registration in the Land Registry.

  32. Hello very good Luis Prados.
    The problem is that my father-in-law has inherited a plot of land from my wife to buy a flat for €35,000. This plot has been sold for €45,000. But he had to put this lot under his sister-in-law's name due to business problems long before making the sale. The money is held by my wife's aunt.
    Now the problem is that the apartment cannot go in my name, nor in the name of my wife due to problems, and it has to go in the name of my youngest daughter. I would like to know what expenses there would be, because I suppose this will be like a donation. In Tarragona. Thank you.

  33. Hello, good afternoon
    We are going to buy a home in Barcelona. The value of this home is €75,000. It is a property owned by 3 buyer brothers. My only question is how much would my expenses cost? I'm not going to make a mortgage?
    And can VAT be paid on time?

    1. As I have been saying, this page is not an online office. If you want, we can make a report in view of the precise documentation or do it if you sign the deed with us. All the best

  34. Good morning, I would like to know the total notary fees, taking into account that I am going to buy a second-hand apartment (sale price €59,000) in the Basque country. With mortgage.

    1. Calculate about 500 euros, there could be some upward or downward differential, but until you know the exact document, you cannot tell you the cost, since there are variables such as the number of pages, which have an influence on the final cost.

    1. If it is only the notarial deed, calculate about 300 euros, although we can only give you a precise cost knowing the exact content of the document.

      But keep in mind that the biggest cost of a deed is taxes.

  35. Hello, I want to buy a second-hand apartment... he asks me for 10,000, since it would cost me a total of writing expenses, thanks... and others of course

  36. Vanessa Pascual Navarro

    Hi, good afternoon, Luis! My partner and I are trying to buy a second-hand apartment worth €29,000.
    I would like to know more or less for how much it will cost me to do all the paperwork, since they have told me that what they charge you the most is writing and notary. Is that so? I await your response. Greetings and good afternoon

    1. I cannot answer you, without any type of data and without knowing exactly what they told you. I do not know the taxation of your purchase, if you pay VAT or ITP, and based on this if you have any type of tax discount.

  37. Good afternoon. Being in agreement with the owner of the house and myself, can we carry out the contract of sale of the house for a total of 50 or 100 euros?

    It is not a scam, but a symbolic sale, since we do not know any other way to divide the family home in two.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

        1. Well, what I tell you, they will give you a complementary liquidation for the real value of the property. In the Canary Islands it is a 7% (I think) and the administration could have the right to stay for the good for that value of 100 euros.

  38. Good afternoon, I want to buy a flat for 90,000 euros, I want to know how much the expense would cost me d3 notary with deed in my name thank you I am under 35 years old

  39. I bought a house with a friend and we also have the mortgage on the house and he resigns because he can't pay. I would keep it because it would be difficult for me to make all the changes

  40. Hello, I am going to buy a second-hand house for 130,000 and I will have a mortgage of 80,000. Could you tell me how much I will pay for expenses, thank you very much!

  41. Good afternoon,

    I am fully involved in the purchase of a new off-plan home valued at €327,800.00 VAT included, the 20% of that amount is almost paid and I would have an approximate mortgage of €262,500.00, approximately how much would the deed costs cost me? of the house, it is for the use of 1st house, even though I already have a house that I am going to sell when I am in the new one.

    Greetings and thank you

    1. It is best to ask at the Notary where you are going to carry out the operation. Giving an estimate based on value can be misleading. A deed of purchase of 300,000, can be around 300 euros base, to which VAT must be added, and copies and other concepts. Calculate about 600 euros

  42. Good morning, I'm going to buy a piece of land with a house of 1,500 square meters for 70,000 in the province of Navarra. The bank would give me a loan of 60,000 and I would pay the rest and deed expenses. Could you tell me when the deeds could come out?

  43. Hello, I am going to buy a house, in which I have been renting for 4 years. The purchase-sale price is €200,000, of which €100,000 is a mortgage. How much would you have to pay between purchase and sale expenses and mortgage expenses?
    Thank you.

    1. Giving an estimate without knowing all the details of the operation is very risky, and could mislead you. My advice is that you choose the Notary, not the Bank, and ask him everything you need.

      All the best

  44. Hello, my husband and I are going to buy a house for €5,000 in a town in Malaga, since we have known the seller for many years, the poor man is already sick and he has left us the house for that price since we are the only people who have I would like to know how much the sale of the house can cost us

  45. Good morning. I have a piece of land that I inherited from my family where they have a booth. I have gone to the registry and the booth does not appear. In the cadastral data, although it is something else apart, they do appear. My grandfather wanted to build a chalet and he changed the land regulations, so he left it like that and I suppose that if the regulations changed, I would not get to notarize it. I only have the old deed and the plans that had to be part of the registration data but I do not have a project and I suppose that the end of the work was not done. How can I register the booth? What papers do I need or what can it cost me? The land in cadastre says that it is 1022 m2 and the booth 46 meters and in the old deed there is a plot of 1,050 m2.

  46. Good night,

    I have seen an apartment in Terrassa (Barcelona) for around €75,000 of 60m2. It is deeded as an office, so it should be deeded as an apartment. The problem is that the real estate agency does not tell me prices right away and I need to have an idea of the cost that it would have to assess if I am interested in visiting the apartment. From here I could already assess the mortgage issue.

    Thanks for your time.

    1. The first thing to consider is whether you can make the change from office to home. If so, you should pay the change of use deed and register it in the Registry. Most likely you will have to pay the documented legal act tax, which would be 1.5% of the value of the apartment. I say very probably because there are those who maintain that these operations do not pay. In the worst case, calculate a total of approximately 2,500 euros.

  47. In Madrid, a brother and I inherited a house. We wrote inheritance, capital gains and successions. Now my brother wants to buy my part and keep the house and I agree. How can it be done to make it more economical? I have read some condominium extinction deed. but I'm not clear. And then, what procedures do each of us have to do? Writing... what else???
    Same steps as when I was afraid of registering the house with a deed of inheritance? Thank you

    1. These are complex questions to answer by email. The best thing is that they go through the office or send us the documentation by mail and we will give you the best option. In principle, I think they could do a community dissolution, but as I said, we need more data to be able to give an opinion.

  48. Hello, I just bought a newly built house free housing for 250,000 and they ask me only for the deed of the house (I imagine that with expenses, copies and so on), without the mortgage, 877 euros!!! Is it normal that they charge this amount???

  49. Hello, I have to notarize an office that costs me €70,000 in Catalonia, I know that the ITP is €7,000; What can the notary cost me? I take the registration to the registry, best regards

  50. Hello, I want to sell my house, I bought it as a new construction and I don't have a deed, I think there is one for the whole community. Do I have to deed it before selling it or is it not necessary? Thank you

      1. Thanks for the answer, I think I did not write it correctly, do I have to do the writing before the sale or at the time of the sale? Thank you.

  51. Hello, my name is Antonio and my question is the following, my father has a plot of land that does not have a deed, he leaves it to me in his will, but I would like to get the deeds before my father dies, how much would the plot cost me? It has 100mt2

  52. Good afternoon, my question is the following.
    I bought an apartment that costs me 37,000 and the notary told me that I have to pay exactly 2984e for the deed alone and 400e for notary fees. The amount that they want to charge me for the deed seems absurd to me, taking into account that the apartment is over 40 years old and second-hand, well, 3rd or 4th grade because 3 families have already passed through here, as I understand it. although that I imagine k is the least of it. The amount of writing is what seemed very strange to me. If you can help me, thank you.

  53. Good morning. I have a home that I built for self-promotion, they gave us a first occupancy license but we didn't get to notarize the house (only the land). Now we have separated and we want to sell the house to a third party.
    The house has a sale value of about 400,000 and we have no way of justifying what the construction cost since it was 20 years ago and we do not keep all the invoices.

    How much would it cost us to notarize the house to be able to sell it.

    Thank you

  54. Hello, I am a divorced woman who has a 50%mio apartment. Now I will have to pay the other 50% to the other party. My question is if I have to make a new deed to put the apartment in my name, it has the same gtos value. Even though I am the owner of half the apartment? Thank you

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