Luis Prados Ramos



The community manager is one of the most demanded job profiles in recent times. As a profession, we could understand community manager as someone who is in charge of managing a company's presence on social networks. Generates information through the different channels of social networks and responds to comments  that are made of it.

Let's say in very simple terms that it is who gives the company a voice.

The community manager is a professional who requires training, not only technical, which I'm sure many young people already have innately, because they were born with social networks, but also what the communication and marketing strategy itself is.

It happens that the content generated by some companies, as a way of presence in social networks, is of a highly technical nature, and thus in the marketing strategy, in the legal field, the message that is sent through social networks is always of an indirect nature, seeking to give an image of excellence, training, availability or experience, which makes it possible to differentiate one brand from another in a market that borders on saturation.

The community manager is not usually an expert in law and should not even be, but if the content itself is delegated to him, and not the mere content management, he may be forced to collect information, otherwise easily accessible, from the networks social networks and get your company into a bit of trouble, passing it off as their own information, which they have not really created.

Surely more than one may think why am I spending time writing these lines, and if the reason is that something has happened to me that can justify them.

And I have to answer in the affirmative, because I have been verifying that certain articles on my blog have been literally copied, there are law firms that advertise themselves as specialists in certain matters, through my work.

With this I do not mean that nobody can use it, it would be missing more. In the field of social sciences, no one starts from scratch, and we all start from what others have done. For this reason, in legal research it is essential to accurately cite the sources that we use.

It is true that in the hectic world of the Internet, such an accurate quote is not conceivable, but it is a matter of education to cite the sources that you have used to write your blog entry. And I insist we all use the work of others.

Faced with this situation, which in some cases has bordered on plagiarism, which we remember can constitute a criminal offense, I have contacted the alleged perpetrators of the outrage, and the answer has always been the same.

I can not believe it. We have delegated that to the community manager.

Fortunately, all these people have reacted well and I have managed to get these entries to cite their sources. TOAlthough I also have to say that other entries with similar content have been appearing, whose inspiration I no longer know if it will be the original or its version.

If anyone is curious about what I have said, they should google the legitimate ones in Catalonia and they will be able to draw conclusions.

Greetings to all from Terres de Ponet.

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