It is becoming more and more common for us to receive calls at the office from people asking for the cost of making a deed. The first thing that comes to mind is that the people who request it are aware that they are going to pay for a service and that it is they, and not the banks or the real estate agencies or any other person who directly or indirectly intervenes in the operation, who have the right to choose the Notary who will provide the services.
It seems logical, although it is not necessary to repeat it because it is obvious. THE ONE WHO PAYS FOR THE NOTARIAL SERVICE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE A NOTARY.EITHER.
But having said that, it is also necessary to state the cost of an operation that requires the intervention of a notary; it is not only the cost of the deed, as there are or may be taxes and registration fees, which can be reduced if the operation as a whole is correctly designed.
The cost of a deed has fixed amounts and variable amounts..
The fixed amount is determined by the value of the transaction, so for example, a property purchase for 120,000 euros would cost 216.11 euros. The variable amounts would be determined, among other circumstances, by the length of the document or the number of copies requested. A very obvious example is mortgage loan deeds, where the amount of the loan is no longer the most important element of the invoice, but rather the length of the document.
The criteria of my office has always been to draw up deeds in the most economical way possible, without any loss of quality, and adjusting them to a reasonable interpretation of the regulations governing notary costs. But we also draw up deeds so that, within the margin given to us by law, they are as tax-free as possible, and in those cases in which our clients ask us to manage the deed comprehensively, we also try to reduce the cost of property registries as much as possible, on the basis of renouncing extras that are usually charged, and which are absolutely unnecessary.
With all this we want to say that from my notary's office we are happy to give anyone who requests a quote, based on the analysis of all the factors that may influence the final cost and with the guarantee that you will receive the best possible treatment.
I need a budget for the separation of assets. We have been in a community property regime for almost 11 years.
Without any information, I cannot tell you anything. Tell me what you want to do and we can talk, because if there is a division of assets, the cost varies depending on their value, and if what you want is a divorce or separation, I need to know if you have children and other circumstances in order to be able to act. Call us by phone and we will assist you.
Good morning. I have created a cooperative with 2 partners and now I need to write it down in order to register the company and be able to request the IEA, the CIF and so on, so I would like a quote of what it would cost me. In case you need to know, the share capital would be 3006 euros. Thank you very much.
The price may vary slightly depending on the length of the bylaws, but it would rarely exceed 200 euros. You must also take into account that the deed must be registered in the Registry of Cooperatives, which will involve other costs unrelated to the notarial action itself.
Hello. My brothers and I are going to sell an old property in Andalusia and since we can't all go, we would have to make a power of attorney to one of the brothers. How much would it cost to give power of attorney from 5 brothers to the sixth who lives there? Thank you.
It is best to ask at the notary's office where you are going to do it, since it costs the same in all notaries. A power of attorney costs 50 euros. If there are five powers, calculate it yourself and if they are all done in the same document, calculate about 120 euros.
Hello good,
I am going to buy a property in Niebla (Huelva), the cadastral value of which is 67,638.95 for the year 2015. I would like to know how much I would have to pay for the ITP and the notary and registry fees to put the property in my name. Thank you very much.
It's better to ask in Huelva, where I imagine you will have the operation.
Good morning.
We want to register the dissolution and extinction of a Housing Cooperative in a single act. The relevant public announcements have already been made. What approximate cost would this act have in the notary's office? Are there any additional costs that we should consider?
Thank you very much for your service.
For additional information, the existing share capital is 1,083 euros and would be settled at zero balance, without allocation.
Completing the information, I would like to inform you that the current share capital amounts to 1,083 euros and that upon dissolution the balance is zero, so there would be no assets to be awarded.
Thank you and best regards,
Good evening, I wanted to know how much a power of attorney can cost so that my lawyer can request receipts from some banking entities.
CALCULATE ABOUT 60 EUROS. But this is not a price, it is an approximation. We can only know the real cost by looking at the work to be done, and there could be some fluctuations up or down from the 60 euros that I tell you.
Hello, good afternoon. I am requesting a quote for documented legal acts, it is for the constitution of a co-operative. Thank you.
Call the Notary and we will inform you, but as you can understand without any data it is impossible to give a quote.
Due to my sister's haste, a judge intervened to decide on the inheritance of my mother who died in 2014. The judge decided according to my mother's will from years ago. Both my sister and I agree with this decision. I would like to know if, based on the documentation that comes from the court, deeds can be drawn up before a notary.
I understand that yes, but as you can understand I cannot answer without seeing documentation.
I want to make a donation of €120,000 to my daughter to buy a flat.
How much would the document cost me?
We make estimates exclusively for documents that are intended to be produced in our office. It would be another thing to give an opinion on the work of others. Greetings.
I would like to know the costs of the deed and mortgage of a house. I have several quotes but as I have the option to choose... the price of the house is 599,000 plus VAT. We have been granted the 100%. Logically not the costs. Could you tell me what you need to make a quote?
The estimates can only be indicative, because until you know for sure what the document will be like, you cannot say its exact cost. The reason is that the cost is influenced by the length of the document and the expenses that may be passed on. For example, if you buy from a bank company, the documents are usually excessively long, imposed by the banking advisors, which increases the bill.
On the other hand, for the cost of the mortgage, in addition to the amount of the loan, the guaranteed interest and costs must be known, so the calculation base for the tariff will be close to 800,000 euros, according to what you tell me.
My advice is to go to a notary of your choice, never to the one that the financial institution tells you, and discuss with him the approximate costs and have all the elements of the invoice explained to you.
Greetings, and if you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Hello, I have to sign a DEBT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AGREEMENT between two parties for the amount of €49,000. What quote can you give me? Thank you very much.
I cannot tell you the exact cost until I know what the document will be like, as there are factors that can influence the invoice, which I am not aware of at this time. You can get an idea of the cost at around 300 euros, with some fluctuations up or down, which as I have said I cannot specify. Best regards.
Hello, I want to make a loan to my parents of €60,000.
What is an acceptable fee figure? From what I have been told, it is usually 3 per 1000. Is that correct?
Thank you so much
I think it is much less, but of course it should be if the loan is a mortgage, in the first place, in which case the figure they give you could be true, due to the taxes that accrue, not the notary fees.
Good afternoon, we are two partners, I have to dissolve an SL company, close it and allocate 2 premises, one for each, how much could it cost me?
It depends on the value of what each partner is awarded. Three issues must be distinguished:
In principle, corporate transaction tax (1%) will be paid on the value of the assets awarded to each partner. In addition, there may be repercussions on the corporate tax and on the income of each partner, but these are details that depend on factors that I am not aware of and on which it is impossible for me to comment.
It depends on the share capital and what each partner is awarded.
You will have to pay the commercial and property registration fees, as well as the value awarded to each partner.
All the best
I have a question.
How much would the deed of sale cost in my case?
I have a rental contract with the right to buy in my name. Next month I have to draw up the deed of sale for a small house with land for a total of 30,500 euros.
But I want to do it in the name of my company SL
How much would it cost?
Do I have to include something about giving my company the option to buy or is that not necessary?
Thanks in advance.
I would advise you not to worry so much about the cost of the deed, but rather to make sure that the transaction is well planned from a legal and fiscal point of view. If you are from Madrid or the surrounding area, do not hesitate to contact us and we will find the best formula for you.
Greetings and thanks for following
What would be the cost of extending a mortgage loan with collateral security? The extension would be for an amount of €20,000.
Thank you
We should see the documentation and what they really want to do. It is very difficult to answer without risking misleading you.